Friday, June 26, 2009

Witches !

Hey !! thats my enry for Lady Orlando moleskine ! espero que te guste !!! :D

something new

I was thinking that to get things rolling again and interesting while we are waiting for someone to post their illustration why don't we post the materials we use and/or the studio or table where we work. I am really interested in everyone's post. What do you think? I will start.

I love using colored pencils my favorite media, they are not a certain brand I usually buy 
Faber Castell, crayola and prismacolor.

I find that micron markers are great for moleskines!
I like to combine materials when working in my moleskine, or as you would say 
mixed media and these are three brands that I work with. I find that Galeria 
is very transparent and you can have it as a wash, the liquitex is very creamy and 
covers everything very well and golden I think is the best.

This are my watercolors, pelikan. I like them because they are mate and they are not expensive.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

its still quiet

is it time for an update? it seems ages since I have had a book come my way........

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mice, for Jenn

42nd Moleskine Exchange: Jenn's moly

Mice wouldn't be my first choice as pets. I have lived through mouse plagues when cars went off the roads because of sheets of mice. They ate through wood and Tupperware and books and if you went out to the shed, they would be running around the bottoms of drums. The cats pretended they couldn't see them, the local boys earned pocket money building better mouse traps and little old ladies devised novel ways of reusing mousepaper (like fly paper, only for mice).

But even so, I always liked sitting quietly on the stairs of the veranda and watching them dart out, all quick and dark-furred with their tiny delicate ears and fiercely curious faces. There was an old piano on the veranda, and the mice inside used to slide up and down the strings, sounding tiny notes.

The quote at the top is from Rose Fyleman's poem, "I think mice are rather nice".

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fun weekend

Superstition: Black Cat
Colors and Shapes: Vivid Colors

I had a lot of fun with both moleskines during the weekend. I hope that Lynne and Ste likes them. I will be sending these tomorrow to Yoda.